söndag 18 augusti 2013

Soros investerar för fallande S&P 500

George Soros har den senaste tiden ökat sin fonds innehav av säljoptioner för S&P 500, och positionen utgör i nuläget 4,79% av portföljen. Soros minskade även fondens innehav av GLD (Guld) och guldaktier. Han tycks därmed satsa på att S&P 500 kommer att falla inför eller efter FOMC-mötet i september, vilket indikerar att han tror på en tapering från Federal Reserve.

Hedge-Fund Billionaire Makes Big Bet On S&P 500 Crashing

Hedge funds are required to provide quarterly portfolio updates through 13-F filings. These filings are a great place to see what the biggest and most successful hedge funds have been up to.

Recent 13-f filings reveal Soros has turned bearish on the S&P 500.

That shows up in his largest position, buying 1.25 million put options on the S&P 500. His allocation grew to 4.79% from 1.28%. This is a huge leveraged play against the S&P 500 and American economy. Clearly Soros is concerned about an unsustainable debt load as interest rates have begun creeping higher while the Fed hints at tapering QE.

This big move is also notable because Soros has a history of nailing huge trades directly before big macro events.

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